DIY #7

Crankshaft rebuilding (Laverda 1000)
(Click on pictures to enlarge)

Rebuilding a crankshaft must be done by a real specialist, someone who knows what he is doing. It is then not recommanded to do the job is you are not sure
that you have the right tools and above all to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Here are the main stages of the work (thanks Patlec!):

Click on the pictures to enlarge:

Désassembling the crank
Cleaning parts. Immersing in a solvant and careful cleaning, especially of the flanges
Last cleaning with acetone

Replacement of the bushes and re-boring to the right size
Fitting of the new bearings
180° timing and approaching of the central parts

Checking for parallelism
Checking for out of round
Rectification if necessary

Using the press
The 2 parts are finished
Approaching the side parts with a caliper

Checking the out of round
Using the press to fit the RHS part
Fitting the LHS mass

Final checking of the out of round

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