Since the beginning of 2002, the most faithfully visitors of the Laverdamania website wished to participate to its life
and contribute to complete the datas about the marque.
This contributed to the creation of the "Laverdamania assistance" service, allowing free historical and technical
advices, copies of documents to those who has the passion for Laverda, and also the organisation of meetings,
once or twice per year, able to share friendship and life's pleasures like character motorcycles and best regional foods...

In a context of joke familiar to the Laverdamania forum, and to show the difference with the more regulated and
official structures like the clubs, this new organization was
called the "no-club"...

Different of the clubs due to its lack of official structures and the gratuity of its service (no annual suscription);
the no-club is not a rival of the clubs but simply a way to share a passion with no purpose like to promote the marque
like a club can do. The no-club is even working with some clubs when they like to.

The purpose of the no-club is then no more than to meet friends sharing a same passion, to ride "real" motorcycles
and to share great meals, then to take care of a certain philosophy of motorcycling, very far of the business which
more and more affects the world of classic motorcycles, and also to give free help and attention to the Laverdists who are
in need.

Amongst those who participate to the no-club, there are members of official clubs and also people who never subscribe
to any group... Amongst all these people, there are Laverda afficionados of course but also fans of other marques.

The main way to meet these people is the Laverdamania mailing list, you can subscribe here (in french only, sorry)


The pictures...
26/27 April
Saint-Pourcain sur Sioule
(no-member n°5)

- Photo 1: Saturday evening.
- Photo 2: 1000 Corsa, Mr and Miss...
- Photo 3: 750 sfc.
- Photo 4: Aperitif...
- Photo 5: Sunday ride.
- Photo 6: Ma che bella...
- Photo 7: The Laverdamania dessert (1)
- Photo 8: The Laverdamania dessert (2)
- Photo 9: The organizers
- Photo 10: Sunday lunch (1)
- Photo 11: Sunday lunch (2)
- Photo 12: Great bikes...

You can also find pictures to the eminent no-member "OL" homepage here.

22/23 May 2004
Dijon - Coupes Moto-Légende
(Photos Kiki)

- Photo 1: Jean-Louis and Piero Laverda at the Laverda Club de France stand.
- Photo 2: LCF stand.
- Photo 3: Jean-Louis trying to get a picture of the V6...
- Photo 4: Three 1000 SFC at the LCF stand!
- Photo 5: 750 SFC Electronica
- Photo 6: Left to right: Jean-Louis, Kiki, L'Ancien, Marc, Phil... in front of the Ital-Racer stand.
- Photo 7: Paddock.
- Photo 8: The V6
- Photo 9: V6. Note the seal on the cylinder head cover...
- Photo 10: Another 6 cylinders!...

12/13 June 2004
Région du Val de Loire

- Photo 1: Nice bikes....
- Photo 2: In front of the Château de Chambord.
- Photo 3: Lemon incest?
- Photo 4: Lemon incest!
- Photo 5: Eric' 1000
- Photo 6: A 668
- Photo 7: Ride near Chambord.
- Photo 8: Historic monument...
- Photo 9: Eric
- Photo 10: Kiki
- Photo 11: Charles-Henrick
- Photo 12: Ol and Ge
- Photo 13: JJ is showing his brand new plaster...
- Photo 14: Seen at Chambord, a new bike for JJ, much more safer!...
- Photo 15: Eric and Bernard
- Photo 16: Mr and Mme Breganzito
- Photo 17: L'Ancien des Alpes...
- Photo 18: A gift for all the non-members, hand made local beer!
- Photo 19: Eric's 750 SF

09/10 Avril 2005
22, 23, 24 July 2005...
Breganze/San Giorgio di Perlena
Laverda Club Italia

PROGRAM: Dates: 22, 23, 24 of July 2005.
- Friday 22: Track of Adria for the Trophy organized by the Laverda Club Belgio. Every Laverda owner will be allowed to race his bike on the track, included the old and famous Laverda pilots by categories depending of engine cubic capacities and year of registration. Registration for the sessions must be done within the 22nd of April 2005 on the site: www.3CMOTO.IT
- Saturday 23: - 8AM: Beginning of the meeting at the central place of Breganze for registration and welcome lunch. - 10.30AM: Start to go to the Laverda motorcycles exhibition at San Giorgio di Perlena (at the public gymnasium) - Midday: Lunch at the gastronomic stand - 2PM: Start for a touristic ride - 6PM: History of Moto Laverda by Massimo Laverda. - 8.30PM: Gala dinner at the Pedrocchi restaurant di San Giorgio di Perlena, with prizegiving for the Adria track races.
- Sunday 24: - 9.30AM: Meeting at San Giorgio di Perlena then start for a scenic ride through the Asiago mountains. - 1PM: Lunch (paying) at the gastronomic stand or in the restaurants of the area. Lodging: Free camping for all the registrated, or indications for the hotels around. A gift will be offered to all the registered.


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