May 2018: After 18 years of existence and to cope with more and more activities, Laverdamania changes its status and evolves into an official Association, the Laverdamania Association.
Many thanks for all these years of support and friendship!
As demand grows steadily, this new structure allows us to expand the range of services to all Laverda owners and motorcycle enthusiasts. As before, Laverdamania is based on a friendly and selfless principle of mutual aid.
1- What about the services and activities organized by the Laverdamania Association?
* The constitution and update of complete documentary databases on the brand (historical, technical)
* The provision of complete documentation by model (on USB sticks)
* Group orders for spare parts or accessories to obtain negotiated rates
* The manufacture, the remanufacture of spare parts, tools and accessories
* Assistance with the identification of Laverda motorcycles, assistance and advice before purchase
* Personalized technical assistance for the maintenance and repair of Laverda motorcycles
* Put in contact with the best French or foreign Laverda specialists
* Assistance for translation into foreign languages ??in case of contact with foreign suppliers
* A presence in shows and meetings
* Regular general information about the brand, events, calendars, promotions, etc ... (mailing)
* Mechanical training sessions (routine maintenance, adjustments, repairs) on Laverda engines
* Partnership actions with professionals and clubs
* Manufacture, sale of various promotional items: (T-shirts, stickers, jackets, accessories, etc ...)
* Geolocation of Laverdists for regional actions or mutual aid
2- How to join the Association Laverdamania?
It is not essential to own a Laverda to participate and support us.
Unlike most associations and clubs, we have decided not to require a fixed and compulsory contribution, but to replace it by a principle of donations, financial or otherwise (see here), left to the discretion of each according to his desires and his possibilities. There are no members, strictly speaking, since the Association is an aid structure that works with the support of those who are helped.
The funds raised will be used to better organize the activities mentioned above, in the interest of rendering the best services to the Laverda owners.
3- How are the resources of the Association managed?
The funds raised help us fund the activities listed above.
In accordance with the principle of disinterestedness that has prevailed since the creation of Laverdamania and the spirit of non-profit associations, we are committed to ensuring that all funds are used in favour of Laverda owners. A report on the use of funds will be made public at the end of each year.
4- How to be in constant contact with the Association?
- Via the Laverdamania forum for all information and various discussions: http://laverdamania.vraiforum.com/index.php
Registration to the forum is free. In addition to the general discussions on the brand, you will find a special section about the Association, including the schedule of planned activities, a reminder of registration procedures, etc.
- By email for all questions: laverdamania@gmail.com