How to participate and how to support the Association?
It is not essential to own a Laverda to participate and support us.
Unlike most associations under the 1901 law, we have decided not to require a fixed and compulsory contribution, but to replace it by a principle of donations, financial or otherwise, left to the discretion of each according to his wishes and possibilities.
All your contributions will serve to better organize the activities, in the interest of rendering the best services to the Laverda owners.
To participate and support us, you can contribute :
- Financial help (amount of your own choice):
You can send your support by :
- By Paypal ou credit card number |
- Par bank transfer |
IBAN: FR85 2004 1010 0828 5236 0F02 963
Please specify your name, first name, address, contact (email, phone) and type of Laverda motorcycle if you own one or more to the following email : laverdamania@gmail.com
- Other types of donations , for example spare parts or accessories that can be resold to help finance the activities of the Association, or used for training courses on Laverda motorcycles .
In addition to this material support of our activities, you can also:
* Suggest your participation to the stands at exhibitions, expose your motorbikes
* Provide or lend documentation on the Laverda models,
and any form of participation in the self-help program for the Laverda owners.
The funds raised help us fund the activities..
In accordance with the principle of disinterestedness that has prevailed within Laverdamania for 18 years and in the spirit of non-profit associations, we are committed to ensuring that all funds are used by the Laverdists. A report on the use of funds will be made public at the end of each year.